Need to get your ducks in a row and figure out which LSAT you need to take? Here's a list of all the upcoming LSAT dates, deadlines, and details you need to know. To sign up for your test date(s), head to Upcoming LSAT Dates, Deadlines, & DetailsWe will continue to update this chart as changes occur and dates come up. For more information about the new four-section test, go here. Sabbath Dates At this time, there are no … [Read more...]
Does the LSAT Test Law?
According to LSAC, the Logical Reasoning portion of the LSAT is designed to "evaluate the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete arguments as they occur in ordinary language. These arguments mirror legal reasoning in the types of arguments presented and in their complexity, though few of the arguments actually have law as a subject matter."I frequently echo this final disclaimer at the start of my classes. The LSAT is not a … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 89: Myths of the LSAT Experimental Section
The August 2021 LSAT marks the end of the Flex format and the return of the test’s experimental section, and Dave and Jon are here with all the details! Join them to learn exactly how the experimental section works, how to best identify it, and how to use it to your advantage as you navigate your way through test day. … [Read more...]
Updates to LSAT Test Scheduling Policy and Digital Testing Interface
LSAC recently announced two updates set to take effect with the April 2021 LSAT-Flex, the first regarding the test day/date selection timeframe, and the second concerning their digital testing interface.The more critical of these two announcements is that test takers must now schedule their testing day and time by 11:59 pm EST of the Thursday prior to their exam. So for those planning to sit for this upcoming April LSAT beginning on April … [Read more...]
How to Report a Test Day Malfunction to LSAC
While LSAC tries to makes the testing experience as smooth and uniform as possible for everyone, a small percentage of students inevitably experience technical or human errors during any given LSAT that impedes their performance. These issues could involve a substandard test proctor, a malfunction in the testing software, problems with the testing facility, or any other number of unfortunate scenarios. We often see students panic afterwards when … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 79: The Death of the LSAT Flex
LSAC has just made a major announcement covering everything from the next 16-months’ worth of test dates to the future of the LSAT’s format. In episode 79 of the PodCast, Jon and Dave give a rundown of everything they’ve learned so far, as well as their take on these breaking developments! … [Read more...]
LSAT Score Release Dates: Scheduled vs. Actual Comparison 2004-2021
This article was last updated May 27th, 2022 As the score release date for each LSAT administration nears, tensions run high among test takers. The moment of truth is at hand, and you're days or even hours from knowing exactly how you did. In the past, LSAC confused things further by nearly always releasing scores days in advance of their "official score release date." Because of this, there was uncertainty and anxiety about the process. … [Read more...]
Will There Be More 2021 LSAT Dates?
Update! On 2.17.21, LSAC announced tests through June 2022. Currently, the LSAC website has tests scheduled in January, February, and April of 2021. But where are the test dates for later in the year? Will there be more 2021 LSAT dates posted soon? We’ve had a lot of questions lately from students who are anxiously waiting to see if there will be more dates, so let’s talk about what we will see. What Did LSAC Do In 2019 and 2020? In 2019, the … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 75: State of the LSAT Union – 2020 Recap & 2021 Preview
2020 was a year of unprecedented change, from test cancellations amid quarantine orders to the introduction of the LSAT Flex. In this strange year's final PodCast, Jon and Dave recap the past twelve months—highlighting the pivotal LSAT developments, good and bad—before previewing what 2021 has in store. Be sure to stick around until the episode's end, as they also offer a first-ever glimpse at several new prep projects currently in the works! … [Read more...]
LSAT-Flex Timelines and Dates
In the current pandemic, LSAC has wisely been offering the LSAT-Flex. Since there is uncertainty over whether a Flex test is needed each time, the dates of announcement are variable. So below, we chart the LSAT-Flex Timelines, including the date each test was Flexed, the day the signup for times was announced, and the actual date you could sign up for a specific time. We also track how many days ahead of each LSAT these events … [Read more...]
January, February, and April 2021 LSATs Confirmed as Flex
LSAC has just announced that the January, February, and April 2021 exams will all be LSAT-Flex, confirming our suspicions that the Flex format will continue to feature well into the coming year.2021 LSAT-Flex Dates The test start dates of January 16th, February 20th, and April 10th will remain the same, with tests offered primarily on Saturday and Sunday at the start of each testing week (additional days will be made available, as … [Read more...]
The LSAT Is About To Get Harder
Any LSAT student reading the title above probably just felt their heart stop for a moment. I apologize for that! Fortunately, the LSAT won’t be getting harder immediately, but will likely be getting harder in the years to come. Let’s talk about why.Big Data is Everywhere The rise of Big Data has been widely discussed, usually in reference to social media and advertising. But with the dawn of the Digital LSAT and the launch of LSAC's own … [Read more...]
LSAT-Flex: How to Score Your Tests
With the LSAT-Flex now firmly established during this pandemic, we’ve recently expanded our Digital LSAT Testing and Analytics Package to include 51 Flex exams for you to take. Each is delivered on our digital testing platform with full timing and tracking, and each has individual scoring and comprehensive performance analytics.However, if you don’t have access to our Analytics Package, then you need an alternate way to take and score your … [Read more...]
November 2020 LSAT Announced as LSAT-Flex
LSAC has just announced that the November 2020 exam will be an LSAT-Flex, confirming our suspicions that the remainder of this year's tests will be taken from home. They have also pushed the date of the first November tests up a week, from November 14th to November 7th.Along with the earlier start date, the November registration deadline is now a week earlier, as well: you must sign up by September 23rd if you want to test in November. The … [Read more...]