2024 was a year of unprecedented LSAT changes, from the removal of Logic Games to the reconfiguring of all available practice tests to the introduction of a host of new PowerScore courses (among quite a lot else), and as always Dave and Jon are here with a comprehensive retrospective to help you make sense of it all. Join them in Episode 164 as they recap the past year, and provide some sneak peaks at what 2025 has in store!Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 163: January 2025 LSAT Recap
The January 2025 LSAT was record-breaking, with over 25,000 people testing over four packed days, but Jon and Dave weathered the storm and are here with all the details! In Episode 163, they cover it all: from domestic tests to internationals, join them as they outline what was real and what was experimental, the sources of reused content (and the astounding accuracy of their Crystal Ball predictions), and the curves for every section combination … [Read more...]
Top 100 Law School Application Deadlines and Latest Acceptable LSAT: 2025 Edition
The LSAT you take—or retake—can have a great impact on your admission chances. Some of you may be asking, “Is the January LSAT too late? Are the February or April LSATs too late?” We survey top law schools yearly with those exact questions to find out admissions deadlines and the latest LSAT each school will accept.Many of the top law schools are still requiring a January LSAT deadline. But, as you’ll see in the chart below, the February and … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 162: Principle Questions
In Episode 162, Dave and Jon tackle one of the trickiest concepts on the LSAT: Principle Questions. Tune in to hear them break down this common and confusing question type, as they explore specific examples and apply solution strategies that will help you conquer every form of this notoriously tough idea. … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 161: November 2024 LSAT Recap
The last and largest LSAT of 2024 is finally over, meaning Jon and Dave are free and clear to tell you all about it! In Episode 161 they cover the November test start to finish, discussing the record number of scored and experimental sections used, the relative difficulty of everything given, their expectations for the numerous scoring scales, and—to top it all off—the accuracy of the predictions from their latest Crystal Ball/Miniball webinars … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 160: PowerScore’s Crystal Ball Webinars: Everything You Need to Know About Predicting LSATs
For over four years, Dave and Jon have undertaken a truly daring feat: before every LSAT they have attempted to predict the precise content—from source test reuse to specific passage topics—that would appear on the upcoming exam. And for 29 of the last 31 tests they’ve gotten it right. These notorious “Crystal Ball” webinars are immensely popular, but often misunderstood, so in Episode 160 they offer a peak behind the curtain, explaining what … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 159: October 2024 LSAT Recap
2024’s second-to-last LSAT has finally ended, which means Jon and Dave are free to tell you all about it! Tune in to hear their overview of student feedback and general difficulty, a section-by-section analysis of what was scored and what was experimental (Including Crystal Ball predictions), and, as always, curve estimates for every test form—international and domestic—and what they mean for your results.Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 158: September 2024 LSAT Recap
As the September 2024 LSAT finally wraps up, Dave and Jon are on the scene with a full breakdown. Tune in to hear a section-by-section analysis of what was scored and what was experimental, scale predictions for every test form combination and what they mean for your results, and, as always, the accuracy and applicability of their latest Crystal Ball predictions!Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 157: Admissions Mailbag: Abnormal Breaks in Your Record
Jon and Dave are back with another of their popular Student Mailbag discussions! In Episode 157, they tackle questions related to a common admissions concern: how to best handle abnormal gaps or low points in your academic (and in one instance, personal) record. So if you’ve ever had an extended break from school, or a rough patch grade-wise, or even a challenging personal issue that law schools may see, you’ll find the guidance you need right … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 156: August 2024 LSAT Recap
In Episode 156, Dave and Jon take on one of their toughest tasks in years: deconstructing the first modern LSAT without Logic Games. With August 2024 they determined multiple scored Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning sections, and they’re here to explain every piece of it, from what was real and what was experimental, to their impressions of difficulty, to the scaling they anticipate applies to every section combination! … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 155: The PowerScore Crystal Ball Update
To account for the August LSAT’s massive format overhaul and the removal of Logic Games, Dave and Jon have made notable adjustments to their Crystal Ball webinar presentation for the August and September exams. In Episode 155, they explain precisely how the upcoming Crystal Ball will work, including who will have access, the content they intend to cover, and what the future holds for Crystal Ball sessions after the September test.Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 154: June 2024 LSAT Recap
It’s an emotional day in LSAT land, as the last-ever test with Logic Games has officially concluded. In Episode 154, Jon and Dave bid games farewell while also breaking down all of the content that was tested—both international and domestic—outlining the scored sections, their difficulty, the accuracy of the latest Crystal Ball predictions, and as always their anticipated scaling curves for every section combination.Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 153: Student Question Mailbag #13
Episode 153 sees Dave and Jon dive into another mailbag of student questions, focusing in particular on the upcoming June LSAT and the final administration of Logic Games. Give them a listen as they address what to do in the final days leading up to this monumental exam—from how to approach the home stretch to deciding whether it’s the right test for you—and then preview August and beyond!Episode … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 152: Letters of Recommendation
There’s an old law school adage, “Letters of Recommendation won’t get you in...but they can certainly keep you out.” In Episode 152, Jon and Dave explore this crucial admissions component, explaining how Letters of Rec work, who should write yours, how to ensure you get the best possible recommendations, and the pitfalls to avoid as you finalize your application.Episode … [Read more...]