Are you taking the LSAT in South Africa? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In South Africa, only one location offers the LSAT: Johannesburg, University of Witwatersrand. While there is just one location option, it occurs four times per year: February, June, September/October, and December. You can find … [Read more...]
LSAC Law Forum Etiquette
Don't know what an LSAC Law Forum is? You should! Law forums are events held in various major cities around the country where prospective law students have an opportunity to talk personally with representatives from ABA-approved law schools. Almost every ABA-approved law school sends representatives to these events, which are held in hotels and conference centers. These reps have information and documentation about their schools, and are also … [Read more...]
Unusual Rules in LSAT Logic Games: Part II
This is Part II of our blog series covering the emerging trend of making you labor over strangely-worded or confusing rules in LSAT Logic Games. You can read the first part of the blog here. It’s worth repeating that none these rules can be described as ambiguous, i.e. none of them are open to multiple interpretations. Indeed, each rule entails a concrete and definitive outcome.In the second part of this blog series, we will analyze a … [Read more...]
The Boy and the Rocks: An LSAT Allegory
Picking up Rocks Once there was a young boy who lived in the country. Like with all young boys who live in the country, there were always chores to do. This boy lived on a farm with rocky soil, and one day his father told him to go pick up rocks until their wagon was full. Being nine years old, the boy knew that this impossible task would be the end of him.First, the boy pulled on his boots, because that's what you wear when you do chores on … [Read more...]
Conditional Reasoning Redux: The Only Cheat Sheet You Need on the LSAT
First, a disclaimer. You cannot have a cheat sheet when taking the LSAT. Don't even think about it. But, if you follow the advice below, you wouldn't need to. This cheat sheet is for those of you who struggle with the myriad of ways in which the LSAT conveys conditional relationships. We feel your pain! It sucks encountering 20 different ways of saying the same thing. Then again, that's what makes natural language different from coding. A Word … [Read more...]
The LSAT-India is Growing!
LSAC created the LSAT-India specifically for use by law schools in India and it's available in 15 different cities. As discussed previously, the test is strikingly similar to the American version with regard to content. Each test has four scored sections, including one Logic Games section, one Reading Comprehension section, and two Logical Reasoning sections.The LSAT-India has begun to take hold among Indian law schools. In it's first year, … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in the United Arab Emirates
Are you taking the LSAT in the United Arab Emirates? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In the United Arab Emirates, only two locations offer the LSAT: Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Testing Center and AMIDEAST. The Abu Dhabi Testing Center administers the test twice a year in September/October and December. … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Hungary
Are you taking the LSAT in Hungary? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Hungary, only one location offers the LSAT: Budapest, at the Fulbright Commission. They administer the test in September/October. You can find a complete list of test dates and deadlines here. Students should know that testing … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Brazil
Are you taking the LSAT in Brazil? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Brazil, only two locations offer the LSAT: Brasilia, Casa Thomas Jefferson and Rio de Janeiro, the Instituto Brasil Estados-Unidos. Both locations administer the test once a year in September/October. You can find a complete list … [Read more...]
Useful Resources for Law School Applicants
If you're thinking about applying to law school, you should also be thinking about your applications. If apps are on your mind, you may also be researching schools and quickly overwhelming yourself with the multitude of websites and publications out there that give out (sometimes not-so-reliable) information. To that end, here's a list of some of the best, "must-have" resources for applicants. We regularly help students with their applications! … [Read more...]
A Timing Strategy for Faster Reading Comprehension Performance
Although people don't think that Reading Comprehension and Logic Games have much to do with each other, the truth is that they have something very important in common. The most obvious thing that the sections have in common is their structure. Both the sections have four main units. The Game section has four games and the Reading Comprehension section has four passages. And the number of questions associated with each game or passage is similar … [Read more...]
The Value of Work Experience to a Law School
Work Experience on Your Application LSAT score and GPA generally constitute the most important factors in law school admissions decisions. Historically, post-college work experience has not been emphasized, and students often go directly from college into law school. Over the past few years, however, many top law schools have increased their focus on work experience when making admissions decisions.Dean Martha Minow brought this type of … [Read more...]
Avoid Isolation While Prepping for the LSAT
Mental Isolation I recently studied for and took the bar exam. Because I live in a rural environment, more than an hour from the nearest bar review lecture site, I decided to forego the in-person classes, and instead watched recorded lectures. I took advantage of several books that came with the program, and studied hard. This was my first time experiencing intensive study without personal interaction, and I have to admit that it drove me a … [Read more...]
Beyond “Unless”: Advanced Conditional Reasoning
It's fair to say that conditional reasoning is either the bane of your test prep, or a welcome escape from the uncertainty that plagues causal reasoning. In the first few months of test prep, you will likely see conditional reasoning everywhere: understanding conditional reasoning can easily turn into an obsession, prompting you to diagram whenever you come across any of the indicators of conditionality. The costs of this approach ultimately … [Read more...]