This is an issue that comes up quite commonly with students; some have a favorite question type, and prefer to attack those first in a given section. Others note the potential advantage of knowing what to look for before even beginning to read the stimulus. Below are three reasons that I suggest NOT reading the question first, but instead attacking each logical reasoning question in this order: Stimulus, Question, Answer Choices. 1. "Seeing the … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 95: The October 2021 LSAT Review
The October LSAT was an absolute roller coaster, with system outages preventing thousands from testing on Saturday morning, extra testing days added for affected students, and endless confusion over scored and unscored sections. Fortunately Dave and Jon were along for the ride and in Episode 95 they cover it all: the rocky start, LSAC’s concessions, what was real and what was experimental, and above all the predicted scoring scales for all the … [Read more...]
What Should I Do While I Wait for My LSAT Scores to Be Released?
So you’re in the wake of taking your LSAT. No doubt the days following it’s completion has been an unrelenting stew of emotion. Relief to be through it, anxiety about how you performed, and sleepless nights waiting on the release of your LSAT scores. For many—and fingers crossed you’re among them—the LSAT is a memory. Prep books and course materials can be discarded as you see fit. For others and perhaps yourself, things didn’t go as well as … [Read more...]
Is the LSAT a Perfect Predictor of Law School Success?
The LSAT is intended to measure the skills you will need to do well in the study of law. But how good of a test is it? How important are “LSAT skills” once you get to law school? Can it act as a predictor of how well you'll do in Law School? Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension is important, which is why it seems to show up on so many different standardized tests. Without question, people who want to go to law school should be able to … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 94: Student Question Mailbag, Law School Admissions Part 2
It’s time for the 8th installment of our popular Student Question Mailbag series, this time devoted entirely to admissions. You can find Part 1 of this Admissions discussion here. Join Jon and Dave as they tackle a long list of key questions, like how to best write resumes and personal statements, what constitutes a realistic reach school and how to improve your chances, and many more! … [Read more...]
How and When to Create Templates in Logic Games
As people continue to prep for the LSAT, Logic Games weigh heavily on the mind. And a principal concern among most test takers is this: how can you tell when to draw out templates in your setup? More specifically, I was asked this question, "How can I quickly and easily identify when I should and should not template? I know that if I have a variable or variable set that can only go in one of two places, that can be a great hint, but it seems … [Read more...]
About to Start an LSAT Prep Course? Make the Most of It!
So you’re thinking about taking a prep course! Test prep is a huge time and financial commitment. On top of that, the vast array of bells and whistles that come with a course can be daunting. Regardless of which test prep company you go with (hopefully it’s us!), here are some steps you can take to make the most of your time… and money! Show Up to Class This one should be an obvious one. How do you make the most of it? Show up/log in and make a … [Read more...]
Should You Avoid Older LSATs?
Students often ask if they should restrict their studying to LSAT's that are more recently released. The thinking behind this is that older tests are now obsolete because the test has evolved over time. It's a good question, because if the test format changes, doesn't that make those older tests different and perhaps unusable? Are Older LSATs Obsolete? How different are the newer tests from the older tests? And, are they different enough that … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 93: The August 2021 LSAT Results – Making Sense of Score Drops
Last week’s August LSAT score release led to what seemed to be a disproportionate number of students reporting significant score declines from their recent PTs to the real thing, causing both alarm at the outcomes and speculation over the cause. In Episode 93, Dave and Jon set the record straight on exactly what did and didn’t happen with the August scores by dismissing fringe conspiracies and elaborating on the more plausible factors behind … [Read more...]
How to Craft a Killer Law School Application
It's application season! And we're getting a lot of questions about choosing schools, letters of recommendation, optional essays, and more. With that in mind, now is a perfect time to share our popular law school application guide "Creating A Killer Law School Application." This guide is a collaborative effort with some of the top law school admissions consultants in the country. All of the contributors came together with one goal; to help … [Read more...]
Should I Choose a Part-Time Law School Program?
Ah, to attend part-time law school or not to attend part-time. That is the question. For many students, the decision is a no-brainer. Attending a full-time program is the only way to go. But what happens when you don't have the time or need/want to continue working full-time while you attend law school? That's when part-time programs start looking very attractive. Many students, however, are reticent about even considering a part-time … [Read more...]
6 Weeks Until the LSAT: What You Need to Know
If you're here, you have about six weeks until your next official LSAT administration. You're in the home stretch! Don't panic! I'm not here to freak you out. In fact, I'm here to help. Below you'll find a list of resources, links, and general suggestions, all designed to help you make the most of your final month-plus, and finish--or, dare I say it, even start--strong! First things first, you'll want to make sure you're registered for your … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 92: Student Question Mailbag #7
It’s time for another Student Mailbag episode! Jon and Dave field questions on a wide range of important subjects: how uber-busy people can best organize a study schedule, knowing when you’ve truly peaked and shouldn’t retest, when a retake makes sense and how to properly prep for it, appropriate and inappropriate personal statement topics, applying early decision, 2021-2022 cycle predictions, and more! … [Read more...]
Should You Retake the LSAT?
When LSAT scores come out, many students are faced with the uncomfortable reality of a possible retake. With that in mind, let's consider two of the most common questions regarding law school admissions. “Should I retake the exam? And if I do, how will law schools interpret my scores?” In order to help you better understand your options, we have researched the policies of LSAC and top law schools. We've also spoken with many admissions … [Read more...]
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