Are you taking the LSAT in Turkey? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad. In Turkey, two locations offer the LSAT: Turkish American Association (Ankara) and Robert College (Istanbul). Both options offer it twice per year: September/October and December. You can find a complete list of test dates and … [Read more...]
How to Recognize Limited Solution Set Games
A struggle among LSAT test-takers is knowing when to diagram, as part of your initial setup, the limited solution sets possible in a logic game with a highly restrictive rule set. If this is something you also struggle with, let's go over it. Learn When to Invest Time Diagramming the limited solutions at the start of a game can empower you. It enables you to dominate the game with extra speed and accuracy. But only if the possible … [Read more...]
Challenge Yourself: Are You Ready for Law School?
This comes from special guest, Ann Levine. One of the biggest questions that I help clients answer on a regular basis is one of the most basic: are they ready for law school? If you’re thinking about law school, here are three challenges to give yourself to help make this incredibly important decision. Talk to 3 Lawyers Law school isn’t an end goal in and of itself. Law school is the major step in the process of becoming a lawyer. So, first … [Read more...]
How to Approach the LSAT’s Evaluate the Argument Question Type
As we get closer to the LSAT administration date, people who have already done a great deal of study start to look at some of the less frequently tested subjects. When students finally discover Logical Reasoning Evaluate the Argument questions, they panic a little. At first, it seems quite different. It’s not a Weaken or a Strengthen question, but what exactly is it? Never fear. Although – as with all things – it's easy to make this question … [Read more...]
I Majored in Theater/Arts/Film/etc. Can I Still Get into Law School?
Every year, we work with several students who, right off the bat, are bashing themselves. "I didn't major in PoliSci. I majored in Theater. We've got to do some damage control." "I was dumb. I didn't think about the fact that I wanted to go to law school and majored in Photography in college." "Will the fact that I majored in Film affect my application negatively? It will, won't it?" Here's the deal: Relax. Everything is going to … [Read more...]
Staying Focused During Reading Comprehension
Do you have trouble staying focused in Reading Comprehension? It's the one section on the test that is notoriously difficult to improve on. In this Forum post, our resident LSAT expert and content developer Nikki Siclunov discusses strategies for staying actively engaged with the text. If you've ever "zoned out" in RC, this post is for you. Here's a quick preview. Make sure to check out the full thread to read the entire explanation … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Russia
Are you taking the LSAT in Russia? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad. In Russia, two locations offer the LSAT: The American Center for Education in Moscow and Testing and The International University, also in Moscow. The American Center for Education administers the test in June and the International … [Read more...]
Conditionality vs. Causality: Similarities and Differences
Did you know that conditional reasoning and causal reasoning can be found in over 30% of Logical Reasoning stimuli on the average LSAT? That's right; they're two of the most frequently tested, and most frequently misinterpreted, reasoning techniques on the test! In today's LSAT Forum Post of the Day, PowerScore Senior Developer Jon Denning advises a student on exactly how to differentiate between these two concepts. In addition, he outlines … [Read more...]
Negating Compound and Conditional Statements
The ability to logically negate a statement—whether conditional, causal, etc.—is critical to your success on the LSAT. It comes up most commonly in the Logical Reasoning section of the test, although any question stem using the word “EXCEPT” (always capitalized) will require you to logically negate that stem. The list does not stop here. Every time you apply the contrapositive of a conditional statement, you will need to reverse and negate the … [Read more...]
5 Mistakes to Avoid in a Cover Letter
This blog comes from special guest, Judy Gruen, admissions consultant at Accepted. Accepted has been helping law school applicants gain acceptance to top schools since 1994. Whether you need help brainstorming for your personal statement, writing a strong resume, or prepping for your law school interview, their menu of application packages or à la carte law school admissions services will have just what you’re looking for. Their consultants are … [Read more...]
Weakening Concepts and Truth vs. Validity
How do you attack assumptions to weaken the argument? Do the three incorrect answers for weakening questions deal with incorrect assumptions or conclusions? Read this discussion between a PowerScore student, a PowerScore senior instructor, and LSAT Bible Trilogy author Dave Killoran to learn more! Here's a quick preview. Make sure to check out the full thread to read the entire explanation Nikki and Dave provided to this student: The … [Read more...]
I Have a Good GPA and LSAT Score, What Else Do I Need?
It's hard, given how much of your law school application rides on your LSAT/GPA combo, to see the forest for the trees. Many students with excellent LSAT scores and GPAs are lulled into a false sense of confidence about their application. I already have an awesome profile. I can just wing the rest of this application stuff, and I'll be fine. Sure, you'll be fine with some schools, but not with all. And if you're looking to get into an elite … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Scotland?
Are you taking the LSAT in Scotland? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad. In Scotland, only one location offers the LSAT: University of St. Andrews. They administer it once per year in September/October. You can find a complete list of test dates and deadlines here. Students should know that testing … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in the Czech Republic?
Are you taking the LSAT in the Czech Republic? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad. In the Czech Republic, only one location offers the LSAT: Prague at the Fulbright Commission. While there is just one location option, it occurs four times per year: February, September/October, and December. You can find … [Read more...]
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