Anyone who has been following posts on the PowerScore blog knows that I’m pretty interested in using data to get insights into law school admissions. For example:What factors might affect law school admissions decisions? To what degree do those factors have an impact? How do different facets of an application package affect admissions decisions at different law schools?So far, I have explored whether the timing of the application … [Read more...]
Why You Should Take the LSAT in June (and Not in September)
When taking the LSAT, timing when you should take the test is a big factor. A lot of students plant to the June LSAT, but when that test swiftly approaches, you may start to question postponing. Maybe you take a prep course, buy the Bible Trilogy, or invest in tutoring. If you see an uptick in your PT scores, that's awesome. If you aren't, then taking the June test becomes daunting. So, you may think that putting it off until September is a good … [Read more...]
Numbers and Percentages in Logical Reasoning Questions? Count On It!
The authors of the LSAT love to play with numbers. This makes sense when you consider that the LSAT is a test of logical reasoning, and math is completely logical. While it’s true that they sometimes test our understanding of actual numerical concepts, like averages and ratios, most questions are not testing your math skills. Don’t worry, you will never have to recall the Pythagorean theorem. Instead, they test your understanding of logical … [Read more...]
Do Underrepresented Minority (URM) Applicants Have a Law School Admissions Advantage?
Law school admissions decisions are often thought to be formulaic and assume LSAT and GPA are the only important elements. We cannot deny that those numbers play a huge (and important) part in most admissions decisions. But, they aren’t the only factors that matter. We’ve previously discussed other key ingredients in the admissions decision factors, such as timing and applying through early decision (ED). There are other factors that make a … [Read more...]
Which Top 50 Law Schools Accept the June LSAT?
In the last few years, there has been a seismic shift in application deadline dates, which greatly benefits current applicants. A decade ago, only a few schools accepted the results of the February LSAT for fall admission later that year, and many application deadlines were in January (if not December).Fast forward to today, and the situation is much changed! Almost every school now accepts the results of the February LSAT, and, as the table … [Read more...]
Weaken and Strengthen EXCEPT Questions
In our forum, we get students asking a variety of questions relating to the LSAT. There is one question in particular that I think sharing my reply here might help others struggling with the same issue, so let's get to it. What's the best way to understand the right and wrong answer choices in Weaken EXCEPT and Strengthen EXCEPT questions? My Explanation Those EXCEPT questions and their answer choices are often a little confusing for people at … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Armenia
Are you taking the LSAT in Armenia? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Armenia, only one location offers the LSAT: Yerevan, American University of Armenia. While there is just one location option, it occurs four times per year: February, June, September/October, and December. You can find a complete … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Egypt
Are you taking the LSAT in Egypt? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Egypt, only one location offers the LSAT: AMIDEAST in Cairo. While there is just one location option, it occurs two times per year: June or September/October. You can find a complete list of test dates and deadlines … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Italy
Are you taking the LSAT in Italy? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Italy, only one location offers the LSAT: Rome at the Istituto Mater Dolorosa. While there is just one location option, it occurs four times per year: February, June, September/October, and December. You can find a complete list of … [Read more...]
Are There “Reverse-Splitter Friendly” Law Schools?
We cover which law schools are "splitter-friendly" in this blog post. The analysis of the data in that post also gives us some insight into which school might also be "reverse-splitter friendly." For the uninitiated, check out What Are Splitters, Reverse Splitters, and Super Splitters. It breaks down the differences to help you determine which one you are if any.There are a couple things worth mentioning before we dive into that analysis, … [Read more...]
Advanced LSAT Guessing Strategy: Referring to Prior Answers
Note that this strategy largely applies to students taking the PAPER version of the LSAT. The digital format does not give you a preview of your answer choices at a glance. In a perfect world, you'd never have to guess on any question while taking the LSAT. But, there are occasions where time simply runs out, and when that occurs you have to guess (especially because, unlike the SAT, there is no penalty for guessing on the LSAT). I've talked … [Read more...]
The LSAT’s Trends: Looking Back to See What’s Ahead
Before the December 2016 LSAT I wrote an article attempting to predict that test's content based on the material presented on the most recent LSATs. Here I'm examining those trends and results and making informed guesses as to what the February 2017 exam may have in store. I'll begin with the same intro that prefaced my previous post: "The LSAT is not a static exam. Rather, it varies slightly from year to year and even from test to test, as LSAC … [Read more...]
Note-Taking Reading Comprehension: Mark Up Your Map
Taking notes on Reading Comp passages can be a challenge for many students, especially because RC on the LSAT is so unlike RC on other standardized tests. Most students either forego note-taking altogether in favor of trying to “just get it”. Or else they go crazy underlining everything they think might be important somehow.Neither of these strategies lends itself to the evidence-based approach you should take to answer the questions. … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT in Austria
Are you taking the LSAT in Austria? Students take the LSAT if they plan to attend law schools in the US and Canada. However, the test administers across the globe. Check out this post about taking the LSAT abroad.In Austria, only one location offers the LSAT: Wien at OeAD International Testing Services. The test also occurs only once per year in September/October. You can find a complete list of test dates and deadlines here. Students should … [Read more...]