2020 was a year of unprecedented change, from test cancellations amid quarantine orders to the introduction of the LSAT Flex. In this strange year's final PodCast, Jon and Dave recap the past twelve months—highlighting the pivotal LSAT developments, good and bad—before previewing what 2021 has in store. Be sure to stick around until the episode's end, as they also offer a first-ever glimpse at several new prep projects currently in the works! … [Read more...]
Do I Need to Know Legal Terms to Do Well on the LSAT?
A common question most students ask themselves when deciding to take on the LSAT concerns the vocabulary the LSAT requires you to know to do well. Do you need an especially large vocabulary? Or perhaps a working knowledge of legal or logical terms? With this in mind, let's take a closer look and discover what you need to know before you take the LSAT. The good news is that most of the words you'll encounter on the LSAT are of the simple, … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 74: Guessing Strategy (To Guess or Not to Guess; There Is No Question)
Guessing on the LSAT is never ideal, but if you’re forced to it’s best to play the odds. In this episode Dave and Jon break down guessing strategy section by section, offering statistical suggestions to help you gain every possible point. … [Read more...]
What’s the Deal with Addenda?
There is now a PowerScore LSAT PodCast episode that expands on this popular blog post: Episode 78: What's the Deal With Addenda? There are several things that can cause students to freak out when applying to law school. Some students worry about the relative “prestige” of their undergraduate institution and how schools will view that during the admissions process. Some have concerns about their choice of major, letters of recommendation, or … [Read more...]
Law School Personal Statements: The Drafting is Never Done
At this time of year, many students are trying to write their personal statements. It can be incredibly tough, so don’t give up! Over the years I’ve read thousands of personal statement drafts, and I want to share one of the most important tips: When you think your draft is final, it’s not. That may seem overly harsh, so let me explain. The Goal is Perfection, and Perfection Takes Time I get it: writing about yourself is no fun and feels … [Read more...]
Writing Your Personal Statement, Part 10, Don’t Be Afraid
Although all components of a law school application are important, the most important one is the personal statement. To that end, this series explains some of the pivotal points you should keep in mind as you prepare to write your law school application personal statement. This is a 10-part series that will help get you from starting to finishing your personal statement. Don't Be Afraid Well, we're at the conclusion of this 10-part series on … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 73: Student Question Mailbag #6
Jon and Dave are back with another round of student questions from the mailbag! In this episode they discuss the growing LSAT score bubble and its likely impact on school medians and admissions odds, the popularity of January and February and why you should consider both, when to write addenda (whether for scores, resume gaps, or legal missteps), how long LSAT skills tend to last, and more. … [Read more...]
Writing Your Personal Statement, Part 9: Proof
Although all components of a law school application are important, the most important one is the personal statement. To that end, this series explains some of the pivotal points you should keep in mind as you prepare to write your law school application personal statement. This is a 10-part series that will help get you from starting to finishing your personal statement. Proof Once you self-edit and have others read and give feedback on your … [Read more...]
10 Gifts to Get Your Law-Bound Loved One
Everyone loves a good pick-me-up, especially while in the throes of stressful college life and finals. For Law School bound students, the looming inevitability of taking the LSAT is likely heavy on their minds. An occasional reminder that they’ve "got this" is always appreciated! With the right tools and mindset, they’ll crush the LSAT and get into a great Law School. We’ve put together the Ultimate LSAT Care Package List to help you give the … [Read more...]
PowerScore PodCast Picks: Spotify Playlist
PowerScore LSAT PodCast listeners know that at the beginning of each episode Jon and Dave like to pick a song to set the scene, either pertaining to the main topic of the episode or what’s going on in the world that week. We recently compiled all of the song choices on Spotify, dating all the way back to the beginning, and we’re thrilled to present our new playlist: PowerScore PodCast Picks! This will be regularly-updated with each new episode’s … [Read more...]
The Best Way to Review LSAT Reading Comprehension Questions
There are many excellent resources that discuss how to review LSAT questions in general, but few discuss the best ways to specifically review Reading Comprehension questions. It can be tough to review a full passage and 5 to 8 questions, so let’s discuss what you should be doing. Understand the Passage This may seem rather obvious, but it’s often an overlooked part of Reading Comprehension review. Go back and re-read the passage, and as you … [Read more...]
Writing Your Personal Statement, Part 8: Involve Others
Although all components of a law school application are important, the most important one is the personal statement. To that end, this series explains some of the pivotal points you should keep in mind as you prepare to write your law school application personal statement. This is a 10-part series that will help get you from starting to finishing your personal statement. Involve Others We get it, it can be really hard to show your writing (be … [Read more...]
The Trap of “Why X” Essays
Many law schools allow you to submit an extra, optional essay that addresses why you would like to attend that school. For example, Duke Law School allows applicants to include the following: “You may submit an essay providing additional information about why you have chosen to apply to law school in general and Duke in particular. We are interested in the factors that have prompted your interest in a legal career and the ways in which you think … [Read more...]
Writing Your Personal Statement, Part 7: Edit
Although all components of a law school application are important, the most important one is the personal statement. To that end, this series explains some of the pivotal points you should keep in mind as you prepare to write your law school application personal statement. This is a 10-part series that will help get you from starting to finishing your personal statement. Edit Once you have your first draft and a break under your belt, it's time … [Read more...]
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