Well, we made it: the last of the April LSAT make up tests is finally behind us, closing the book on a long and rocky administration. Given the volume of test takers forced to sit for a retake, Jon and Dave have devoted an extra episode to the April make up exams, including how things went, what was scored and what was experimental, and the scoring curve they expect these proxy tests will produce. … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 108: April 2022 LSAT Recap
The April LSAT has been tumultuous at best, with system outages preventing hundreds from testing on Saturday, three days of make ups for affected students, and widespread confusion about scored and unscored sections. But fear not: Jon and Dave weathered the storm and in Episode 108 they cover it all, from the disastrous weekend and LSAC’s concessions to what was real and what was experimental to all the predicted scoring scales for the various … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 105: March 2022 LSAT Recap
While the March 2022 LSAT proved limited in both popularity and content—fewer than 7,000 people sat for it, and only two test forms were used—it still managed to pack quite a punch for those in attendance! In episode 105, Dave and Jon cover it all: the scored and experimental sections, the relative difficulty of everything presented, their expectations for the scoring scales, and the accuracy of their predictions from their latest Crystal Ball … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 104: LSAT Logic Games Explained – PT 1 (June 1991)
Join Jon and Dave as they kick off a new PodCast featured series: entire games sections from official PTs fully explained, from the setups and key inferences to the trickiest questions and answer choices, all deconstructed through the eyes of the masters themselves! In this episode they tackle PT 1 from June 1991, the first LSAT of the modern era and a set of games that even 30 years later has an incredible wealth of insights to offer. … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 103: February 2022 LSAT Recap
The February 2022 LSAT is officially over, which means Dave and Jon are in the clear to reveal everything you need to know about it! In Episode 103 they outline the scored and experimental sections used, general impressions of difficulty, and, as always, their scoring scale predictions for every section combination. Don't miss it! … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 100: State of the LSAT Union: 2021 Recap and 2022 Preview
To mark both their milestone 100th episode, as well as the final PodCast of 2021, Jon and Dave are here with a thorough recap of all things LSAT these past 12 months. Tune in as they review the many ups and downs of another tumultuous year, before turning their attention to 2022 and previewing all it has in store...including some exciting PowerScore developments in the works! … [Read more...]
The January/February 2022 LSAT Crystal Ball Webinar
You won't want to miss this special preview of the January and February 2022 LSATs! Dave Killoran and Jon Denning will be hosting a free online webinar where they analyze recent test trends, and the latest LSAT statistics to predict what will appear on the upcoming test. You can't get this insider info anywhere else, including what past LSAT content is likely to resurface on the January and February 2022 LSATs. The goal is to help attendees … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 97: The November 2021 LSAT Review
The last LSAT of 2021 is finally behind us, and Dave and Jon have all the details! Tune in as they cover the November test week from start to finish, discussing the scored and experimental sections, the relative difficulty of everything presented, their expectations for the various scoring scales, and—to top it all off—the accuracy of their predictions from their latest Crystal Ball webinar (hint: these guys are good). … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 95: The October 2021 LSAT Review
The October LSAT was an absolute roller coaster, with system outages preventing thousands from testing on Saturday morning, extra testing days added for affected students, and endless confusion over scored and unscored sections. Fortunately Dave and Jon were along for the ride and in Episode 95 they cover it all: the rocky start, LSAC’s concessions, what was real and what was experimental, and above all the predicted scoring scales for all the … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 93: The August 2021 LSAT Results – Making Sense of Score Drops
Last week’s August LSAT score release led to what seemed to be a disproportionate number of students reporting significant score declines from their recent PTs to the real thing, causing both alarm at the outcomes and speculation over the cause. In Episode 93, Dave and Jon set the record straight on exactly what did and didn’t happen with the August scores by dismissing fringe conspiracies and elaborating on the more plausible factors behind … [Read more...]
Podcast Episode 91: The August 2021 LSAT Review
As the first post-Flex LSAT comes to a close, Dave and Jon are here with their traditional recap to break it all down: what was scored and what was experimental, where the various test forms first appeared, and most importantly how the section difficulties impacted the scoring scale for every combination of content. … [Read more...]
Crystal Ball Webinar: The November ’20-April ’21 LSAT Flex Tests
On November 2nd, Dave Killoran and Jon Denning hosted a special, free online Crystal Ball webinar where they analyzed recent LSAT trends and made predictions about what students will likely face on the November 2020-April 2021 tests. The goal of this session is to help attendees recognize the concepts and skills that will serve as the basis of their score—to highlight precisely what's most likely to appear, from guarantees to dark-horse, outlier … [Read more...]
LSAT-Flex Timelines and Dates
In the current pandemic, LSAC has wisely been offering the LSAT-Flex. Since there is uncertainty over whether a Flex test is needed each time, the dates of announcement are variable. So below, we chart the LSAT-Flex Timelines, including the date each test was Flexed, the day the signup for times was announced, and the actual date you could sign up for a specific time. We also track how many days ahead of each LSAT these events … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 65: The August 2020 LSAT-Flex Review
We’re nearing the end of the largest LSAT-Flex administration thus far, and Jon and Dave are here with all the details! In this episode they break down the August 2020 LSAT, examining its three source tests and their usage throughout the week, highlighting the standout elements that appeared each day, and finally providing a section-by-section scale matrix to help you determine the curve for your particular exam. … [Read more...]