More Flaws! Episode 27 sees Jon and Dave add a third installment to their series on common logical flaws, this time tackling six key errors in total: Composition/Division, Uncertain Use of a Term, False Analogies, False Dilemmas, Relativity/Degree, and Sunk Cost. Make sure you’re familiar with each of these ideas before test day! … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 26: Flaw in the Reasoning Questions Part II – Common Flaws
In Episode 26, Jon and Dave continue their exploration of common flaws, focusing on Straw Man attacks, Appeal Fallacies, and the ever-present Survey Errors that so often beguile test takers. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 25: Crystal Ball – Predicting the September, October, and November 2019 LSATs
As we fast approach the final three LSATs of 2019, Dave and Jon dust off their crystal balls and set about predicting exactly what to expect from each of these upcoming tests! Specifically, they review the Digital LSAT lessons learned in July, exploring some of the most common issues faced and how to address them on test day, then turn to a section-by-section analysis of recent trends to help you anticipate what you’ll see and prioritize your … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 24: Flaw in the Reasoning Questions Part I – Common Flaws
In Episode 24, Dave and Jon begin their multi-part analysis of Flaw in the Reasoning questions, first providing a detailed overview of this tricky question type and then exploring three common but misunderstood flaw categories: Evidence Errors, Source Arguments, and Circular Reasoning. Within each they break down how the error operates and ways to spot it, common scenarios using specific examples, and finally how the test makers represent these … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 23: Conditional Reasoning Part II
Episode 23 picks up right where 22 left off: with Jon and Dave continuing last week’s discussion of conditional reasoning! Specifically, they ramp up the complexity and outline how to handle unusual language like “unless” statements and “either/or” constructions, make conditional chains and spot the inferences they provide, tackle scenarios with multiple sufficient and necessary elements, and even master the elusive double-arrow. This is … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 22: Conditional Reasoning Part I
In the PodCast’s 22nd Episode, Dave and Jon begin what will become a multi-part look at conditional reasoning, one of the test’s most critical concepts. In this first discussion, they explore the nature of what makes statements conditional, define the key distinctions between sufficient and necessary conditions, and offer insights on making the right kind of inferences when faced with conditionality (while also avoiding the traps the test makers … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 21: Logic Games – Recognizing Templates and Limited Solution Sets
Episode 21 tackles one of the most powerful—but frequently misunderstood—techniques for attacking Logic Games: utilizing Templates to represent limited outcomes and solutions. In this discussion, Dave and Jon outline exactly how and why Templates work, the wide range of clues to help you recognize their presence, and safety measures to prevent you from pursuing them when you shouldn’t. Anyone struggling to reach perfection in games needs to hear … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 20: July 2019 LSAT – The Aftermath
The PodCast’s 20th episode is dedicated to the July 2019 LSAT, from its shaky rollout to its section-by-section content to its unique experimental section treatment. Jon and Dave run through a host of stories from the first-ever digital administration—some good, most shockingly bad—then turn their attention to the test itself and offer their take on what it contained and the scale it will likely produce, as well as what they suspect happened with … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 19: Digital LSAT Redux
Jon and Dave once again tackle July’s impending digital transition. They break down the multitude of questions they’re still receiving about the new format and LSAC’s mysterious rollout. If you’re taking the test as part of the 50/50 audience, or simply curious about the experience of those who are, this is one you won’t want to miss! Looking for more? Read our critical list of everything you need to know about the digital test here, and our … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 18: June 2019 LSAT Deconstructed
In Episode 18 of our LSAT Podcast, Jon and Dave bid farewell to the last-ever paper test with a deep dive into the just-released June 2019 LSAT. Section by section, they deconstruct the exam, running through LR’s most notable features and their favorite questions, analyzing all four RC passages and the highlights (and lowlights) of each, and finally providing a thorough breakdown of every Logic Game, guiding you through the trickiest rules, key … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 17: The New LSAT Retake Policy
Episode 17 of the podcast features some game-changing news from LSAC concerning their new retake policies, severely restricting the number of times test takers can sit for the LSAT despite it being administered 10 times each year. While this information hasn’t been made public by LSAC yet, we’ve got you covered with a detailed overview of precisely how these repeat limits will affect your prep plans.You can find the episode below, but make … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 16: June 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction
Episode 16 of the podcast features an in-depth review of the recent June 2019 LSAT, as Jon and Dave discuss the test section by section and highlight the toughest content, overall student impressions (as well as some unfortunate test day horror stories), and our official curve prediction. There’s also a brief look ahead at July and an overview of PowerScore’s new digital testing platform!You can find the episode below, but make sure to … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 15: The Digital Writing Sample
Episode 15 of the podcast is all about the LSAT Writing Sample, as Jon and Dave discuss its purpose and potential impact on your app, upcoming changes to its administration, what the new digital format will mean when submitting your essay, and, perhaps above all, precisely how to craft a response that satisfies even the most inquisitive admissions committee. You can find the episode below, but make sure to subscribe/follow and rate/review on … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 14: Student Question Mailbag
The 14th episode of the podcast is a Student Question Mailbag edition, where Jon and Dave tackle submitted inquiries about admissions—including undergrad vs grad school GPA usage and why your college GPA and LSAC GPA may not match—as well as some big-picture curiosities about using older LSAT Bibles, when to read the question stem in LR, and the best guessing strategy to employ as time runs out. You can find the episode below, but make sure to … [Read more...]