We got together with our friends at Spivey Consulting and hosted a special, free webinar for students to do an LSAT and law school admissions Q&A with top experts.Dave Killoran and Jon Denning from PowerScore, plus Mike Spivey, Karen Buttenbaum, and Derek Meeker from Spivey Consulting covered a variety of topics relating to the LSAT and law school application best practices, while also fielding the attendee's individual questions about … [Read more...]
1 Month to Prepare for the LSAT? Here’s Your Study Plan!
Assuming you aren’t taking a prep course, but are familiar with the PowerScore LSAT Bibles, the plan below should keep you on track for the test. This also presumes you can allow for 20-25 hrs of LSAT studying each week. Thing To Do NowRegister to take the LSAT. Most registration deadlines have already passed, but you may have one last chance to meet the late registration deadline. Obtain at least 8 practice tests released no earlier … [Read more...]
Taking the LSAT? Here Are Blog Posts You Should Bookmark
With the LSAT looming over you and everyone and their mother is offering you their tips, most everyone (we hope) means well. Sleep more! Study more! Worry less! Eat well! Exercise! etc. While we hope that our Blog is a reasonable voice in this cacophony of wisdom, there is no question that receiving just the right advice, and at the right time, is not always easy. (OK, it's a little easier if you pay for it).Especially if your LSAT test is … [Read more...]
Good News! You Just Bombed Your LSAT Practice Test
If your LSAT is just around the corner, you’re likely taking practice tests regularly in preparation. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, you score 5 points lower than your last one. What? You just bombed your LSAT PT. But why? You are, understandably, freaked out. You call your best friend, your shrink, your tutor—all the same person if you're lucky! Then you ask the crucial question: should you postpone your LSAT?Turns out, there is nothing … [Read more...]
Top 100 Law School LSAT Deadlines: Is the March LSAT Too Late?
The 2020 Edition is now live! When applying for law school, you have to decide which LSAT you're going to take. Some of you may be asking--is the March LSAT too late? We survey top law schools yearly to find out admissions deadlines and the latest LSAT they will accept. Each year we see changes, but we were a little surprised by this year's results.It seems that the trend is moving up to a January LSAT deadline for many of the top schools. … [Read more...]
U.S. News Interview with PowerScore: GPA & Law School Admissions
Dave Killoran and Jon Denning from PowerScore were featured in an article by U.S. News detailing how a student's undergrad GPA factors into their law school admissions chances. You can read this incredibly informative article that also includes insight from some of our peers here. Below we have included the full interview transcript with Dave and Jon that goes even further in-depth on how law schools evaluate undergrad transcripts, how to … [Read more...]
48 Hours ’til Test Day: How to Stay Sane
If you're taking the LSAT in a couple of days, you must be stoked! Less than 48 hours from now, you can say goodbye to all those hours of prep. Ciao. Adieu. Auf Wiedersehen. But before you turn your LSAT books into bedding for your pet iguana, let's make sure you won't be needing them again anytime soon.So, the next 48 hours must be crucial, right? Your last chance to get that final "push," as it were.Well, yes and no. If you've already … [Read more...]
Finals and the LSAT: When is the Ideal Time to Take the Test?
In May, many of you may find yourselves either in the midst of Finals Week or having just finished your finals. With the extra stress and time constraints that accompany such a time, you have probably seen your best-laid plans for consistent LSAT preparation wane at the very least over the past couple of weeks. You may have even seen it become nonexistent. This is not an uncommon problem. Most LSAT Takers are Undergraduate Students Most (but … [Read more...]
Reading Comprehension a Total Drag? Find a Study Buddy!
The LSAT can be a daunting experience for anyone starting out their preparation. And one particular area that a number of students will struggle with is the Reading Comprehension section. After all, most people taking this test are collegiate-level students who are initially confident in their abilities as readers. As such, they should be regular perusers of periodicals such as The Economist, Scientific American, The New Yorker and National … [Read more...]
Creating an LSAT Study Bible
If you take our LSAT course, you learn the importance of accurately identifying every element you encounter on the test. In Logical Reasoning questions it might be Assumption or Flaw or underlying conceptual ideas like Causality and Formal Logic. Within a Game, constructs like Grouping and Advanced Linear may be apparent. You must be able to distinguish them consistently from one another so you can be certain your plan of attack is the best … [Read more...]
The Surge Continues: Surprising Trends for 2018’s Law School Applicants
There has been much discussion regarding the state of flux we find ourselves in with respect to the number of LSAT administrations and law school applications in 2018. After five years of declining numbers (2010-2015) followed by two years of anemic growth (2015-2017), LSAT administrations are up significantly throughout the 2017-2018 cycle. Following another big test in February, total administered LSAT’s were up 18.1% over last year. That’s the … [Read more...]
Non-Traditional Law School Applicants: Old Folks Rule!
This blog is brought to you by PowerScore Instructor & Tutor, Adam Tyson. When I took the LSAT for the first time, I was 31 years old, 8 years out of college, married, with a 2-year-old son, working full-time at a large non-profit institution, had a mortgage, and was the primary breadwinner in the household. I was, in other words, a “non-traditional” applicant. Does This Sound Like You? I was nervous about the process. Would any law school … [Read more...]
Post-LSAT Resources
Now that your LSAT is over, we know your brain is probably feeling pretty fried. Hopefully, you were able to leave the test feeling confident! But what now? How should you fill the next few weeks until scores release? Here are a few post-test resources you can take advantage of. Sometimes there can be a degree of uncertainty following the test, so these links should help you feel more at ease with your performance. PowerScore LSAT … [Read more...]
Tips for LSAT Method of Reasoning: Argument Part Questions
When you start to move beyond the halfway point of your studies and come into the home stretch of prep, its common to feel like you're in the dog days of the LSAT. That Logical Reasoning section starts to weigh down the latter portion of your efforts. Method, Flaw, Parallel, Principle...the list of abstract question stems seems never-ending. Gone are the days of specificity and precision, only to be replaced by the vague wording and abstraction … [Read more...]