In Episode 13, Dave and Jon do a deep dive into the upcoming Digital LSAT, exploring everything from the hardware and software being used to section-specific strategies to help you take full advantage of the interface’s features. If you have questions or concerns about tablet testing this episode has your answers! You can find the episode below, but make sure to subscribe/follow and rate/review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or Stitcher! … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 12: Sufficient Assumption/Justify the Conclusion Questions
Episode 12 continues the discussion from the last episode by looking at the other Assumption question type: Sufficient Assumptions (also known as Justify the Conclusion). Dave and Jon provide an extensive analysis of this unique LR task, exploring everything from how to spot Justify questions to the relationship between Assumption and Justify—key similarities and differences—to powerful mechanistic techniques like the Justify Formula to help you … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 11: Necessary Assumption Questions
Episode 11 centers on one the LSAT’s toughest LR question types: Necessary Assumptions. In this episode, Jon and Dave break down how these problems operate, describe what makes them unique (and how to keep them separate from Sufficient Assumptions, which are covered next week!), and provide several powerful strategies for solving any Assumption question, whether Supporter or Defender. If you struggle with this tricky concept you won’t want to … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 10: March 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction
The 10th episode focuses on the four March LSAT administrations students just experienced—North American, two International, and a Sabbath-observer—detailing the scored topics section by section, the original appearance of any reused tests, student reactions, and overall impressions of difficulty, including curve predictions. There’s also a discussion of the keep-or-cancel decision and advice on what to do if you’re unsure about your next … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 9: Test Week Preparation
Episode 9 of the podcast is all about test day! Dave and Jon outline exactly how to study in the 72 hours prior to an LSAT, dos and don’ts for the day before, tips for the morning-of (including some warm up advice!), and suggestions for minimizing stress and anxiety at the test center. As part of that discussion you’ll get answers to common questions. "Which sections or concepts offer the most opportunity for last-minute improvement?” And, “How … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 8: Logical Reasoning Outliers – The Black Sheep
The episode begins with a quick rundown of the latest news, from Dave’s current Vegas adventure for March Madness to an update on the college admissions scandal and finally a look at the week in the LSAT World. Then they turn to the night's central theme! How to use the final week before an LSAT to prepare for outlier elements and oddball scenarios. Specifically, they focus on two of the most obscure LR question types, Cannot be True and Evaluate … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 7: How to Prepare for the LSAT During the Final 2 Weeks
In this episode Dave and Jon start with a discussion of the latest test prep scandals—they haven’t affected the LSAT yet, but someday soon they certainly could—before turning their attention to the final two weeks of prep for those planning on a March LSAT date. As part of that conversation they give key tips for preparing for the LSAT in these remaining two weeks. This includes advice on mentality, PTs and proper review, and the appropriate … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 6: Crystal Ball – Predicting the March 2019 LSAT
With the March 2019 LSAT less than a month away, Jon and Dave devote the majority of this episode to predicting that test’s content. This includes expectations of whether March will be a new exam or a reuse of a prior one, analysis of the latest test trends to determine precisely what the test makers are up to these days, and a detailed outline of the concepts and question types most critical to master in these final weeks. There is also a … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 5: Scholarship vs Prestige – How to Choose Between Multiple Law School Acceptances
In this episode, Dave and Jon explore an agonizing dilemma many law school applicants face: how to determine the best school to attend if you’ve been accepted to several. Within that discussion they provide a wide variety of analytical tools for gathering and comparing data, run through the main factors that should affect your decision, and finally take a close look at five specific, real-life application scenarios and explain precisely how they … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 4: How to Solve Parallel Reasoning Questions
In Episode 4, Jon and Dave turn their attention to Parallel Reasoning questions—one of the most challenging and time-consuming question types in the LR sections—and outline the most effective techniques for solving them. They follow this conceptual discussion up with a detailed look at two real Parallel questions from the June 2007 LSAT and show you exactly how to apply their recommended solution strategies.You can find the episode embedded … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 3: Retaking the LSAT Part II – How to Study
Continuing the retake discussion from Episode 2, Dave and Jon now explore study habits and techniques to help ensure your next attempt is the one that gets it done! They break it all down--from proper mindset (including time off) to identifying and tracking specific strengths and weaknesses to the ideal practice test approach. There’s also an in-depth look at Blind Review and tips for using an incredibly powerful learning tool,“The Teaching … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 2: Retaking the LSAT Part I – Pros and Cons
Retaking the LSAT can be a big—and tricky—decision. Fortunately, Jon and Dave are here to help you make the right one. They discuss what it takes to justify a retake, outlining five key scenarios where a retake is the correct call. With that comes talk of rolling admissions and “late” applications, incomplete apps, waitlists, and even scholarships! They wrap up by looking at things from the other side. What might prevent a retake as you weigh the … [Read more...]
LSAT PodCast Episode 1: January LSAT Recap and 2019 Test Info Discussion
We are excited to present the first full episode of our brand new PowerScore LSAT PodCast with hosts Dave Killoran and Jon Denning! In this inaugural episode, Dave and Jon discuss the various January '19 LSATs recently offered, provide updates on some recent LSAC news regarding registration deadlines and digital testing, and examine the remainder of 2019’s test dates with analysis on how each will be administered and advice on which to take. They … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast, “In Conversation: PowerScore and Ms. JD Prelaw”
Today we are happy to present a special LSAT podcast that features PowerScore Vice President of Development and Training Jon Denning, PowerScore Senior Instructor Andrew Ash, and Ms. JD Prelaw Program Director Ani Torossian.Throughout the 35-minute conversation, Jon, Andrew, and Ani touch on such prevalent topics as: Is the LSAT a skill or IQ test? What are the most effective methods of LSAT prep? How much time should students … [Read more...]