So, you're taking the LSAT. There are many ways to prep: courses, tutoring, books. If you're planning to self-study, we've got the perfect tool for you. Our Self-Study Guide walks you through the steps and gives you a concrete plan of action. Best of all? It's FREE. To download it, you can click here or the image below. Another great resource to check out is our LSAT Free Help Area! It's a great page to bookmark and keep handy for all things … [Read more...]
Accommodations for the LSAT Part III: The Facts
Now that we’ve discussed the accommodations available and the process for gaining those accommodations, let’s look at some of the facts surrounding the accommodation process. Facts reported and statements made here are based on LSAT Technical Reports, primarily this one. Let’s present the info in a series of questions and answers: Q: How many people apply for LSAT accommodations? A: Each year, several thousand people seek LSAT accommodations. … [Read more...]
The Limitations of Venn Diagramming on the Logical Reasoning Section
This post is from the LSAT Free Help Area on our website. Want to get even more free LSAT help? Check it out! While preparing for the LSAT, students will undoubtedly encounter a wide variety of suggested test taking strategies. Unfortunately, one of the more commonly advocated approaches, particularly with regards to the Logical Reasoning sections, is the use of Venn diagrams1. Despite their popularity with certain test-preparation programs, … [Read more...]
Accommodations for the LSAT Part II: Applying for Accommodated Testing
In Part 1 of this series on LSAC test taking accommodations and the LSAT, we discussed various test takers who might require special accommodations for their LSAT administrations, as well as some of the kinds of test-taking accommodations granted by the LSAC. In this installment we look at the application process for special accommodations.LSAC strongly encourages you to submit all of your documentation as early as possible to ensure the … [Read more...]
Unusual Rules in LSAT Logic Games: It’s the New Norm
Confusing Rules If you’ve taken any test from the last couple of years, you may have stumbled upon strangely-worded or confusing rules. For example: Train A can arrive earlier than train B if and only if train B arrives earlier than train C. Either car A arrives immediately before car B, or it arrives immediately after car C, but not both. The Q meal is served at some time after either the M meal or the N meal, but not after both. It’s worth … [Read more...]
How to Treat a Low Score
When taking the LSAT, whether in practice or for the real deal, many students come away extremely discouraged with their results. This is completely understandable and common. Your LSAT score is the key to attending a great school, and a poor performance can hold you back more than any other factor. So how should you view low scores, and what can you do to get past them? A Prephase We're sorry that your score doesn't live up to your … [Read more...]
Accommodations for the LSAT Part I: An Overview of the Accommodations Granted
LSAT accommodations have, in the past, been shrouded in mystery and even controversy. In brief, taking the LSAT with accommodations means that individuals with certain disabilities can take the LSAT under altered circumstances. These changed circumstances level the playing field for the applicant.So, what are these altered circumstances? It depends on the nature of the disability, but the accommodations include the following: Taking the test … [Read more...]
When Does “Either/Or” Mean “Both” on the LSAT?
Understanding the proper conditional relationship represented by the “either/or” conjunction in LSAT questions is crucial in both Logic Games and Logical Reasoning questions. While there are some solid rules you must follow, ultimately you should take into account the context in which the phrase is used. Learning the Rules Typically, a rule such as “either A or B must be selected” is inclusive. It allows for the possibility of selecting both A … [Read more...]
How to Attack Flaw in the Reasoning Questions on the LSAT
Flaw in the Reasoning questions require you to identify the underlying logical flaw in the argument. Over time, Flaw questions have become among the most common question types on the Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT. In fact, they account for approximately 15% of all questions and 30% of all First Family questions. Your next test will likely contain as many Flaw questions as all Main Point, Method, Parallel, Parallel Flaw, and Cannot Be True … [Read more...]
Approaching Logic Games Sections Strategically
Approaching the LSAT Strategically Series: Part I, Part II, Part III There is a fundamental truth about test takers when it comes to the LSAT: everyone is different. That is, everyone who sits down with this exam will have unique strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and ultimately, ways they can optimize their performance in every section. While that certainly affects how it is that people prepare, I think it also dictates how test … [Read more...]
Conditional Diagramming Part II: “And” in the Necessary Condition
In my last post, I discussed conditional statements with "or" in the sufficient condition. Diagrams with multiple necessary conditions can, depending on the circumstances, then be used to create multiple single diagrams. Let's look at an example.If the rule reads: "If Operations is offered, then Accounting or Sales is also offered," then the diagram is solely: A O → or S Because the necessary condition is just at least … [Read more...]
The Best Places to Take Practice LSATs
There's less than a week to go before the LSAT, and students, I imagine yourself included, are in full-on practice test mode. This is a good thing: you need to get acclimated, and timed practice tests are the way to do it. With that in mind, many wonder where they can best replicate the test day experience. Let's explore some options.Let me start by saying that nothing exemplifies test day like test day, so we're really only aiming at … [Read more...]
Conditional Diagramming Part I: “Or” in the Sufficient Condition
Diagrams with multiple sufficient conditions can, depending on the circumstances, then be used to create multiple single diagrams. Let's look at an example.Consider a rule that reads: "If Operations or Sales is offered, then Accounting is also offered." Operations = O Sales = S Accounting = A As a single conditional statement, there are two parts to the sufficient condition (O and S), that are joined by an "or" operator. That sufficient … [Read more...]
Conditional Diagramming Part III: “If But Only If” in LR Questions
An interesting topic came up on our forum a short time back, about the meaning of “If but only if,” and the proper way to diagram a rule that includes this phrase. Students who are familiar with the LSAT have probably encountered a rule that says “if and only if,” but the use of the term “but” is a clever trick by the test makers. “If but only if” doesn’t look quite the same as “If and only if,” and to many students, the two phrases appear to … [Read more...]