I may be long past my college admissions days, but I still have hurdles to leap and hoops to jump through (yep, sorry to break it to you, but life doesn’t get any easier after high school. Well, after college anyway. Those four years post-high school were pretty great). I was watching a motivational video […]
How to Reread Line References on the ACT & SAT
While a few ACT and SAT Reading questions will ask you about the passage as a whole, many of the questions will send you back to the passage with a specific line reference. Do you know how much of the passage to reread for these questions? The answer varies depending on what the question asks. […]
Sophomore Study Tips for the ACT and SAT
It’s never too early to start studying for the SAT and ACT! Sophomores (and even freshman) who are looking to get a jump on test prep can certainly get started as underclassmen. It’s wise to leave The Official SAT Study Guide and The Official ACT Prep Guide on the shelf until your junior year, but there […]
4 Ways to Prepare for the ACT and SAT as a Sophomore
I used to think that it was never too early to start studying for the SAT and ACT, but then the SAT went and got rid of Sentence Correction questions and all of that vocabulary study with my five year olds became pointless. I’m not sure what they will do with words like obsequious and […]
Grammar is Awesome!
We think grammar is fun. There, we said it. It’s not a popular opinion. Most people put grammar in the same category as shuffleboard, strong perfume, and musty floral patterns. It’s something you associate as deeply unpleasant and with primarily old people. But grammar is fun! And we think you should like it. too. Why […]
A Growth Mindset can Boost your SAT and ACT Scores
There are two ways to see a test. This test is a chance for you to demonstrate how smart you are. This test is an opportunity to develop new skills. No matter how hard it is at first, you’ll be able to improve over time through hard work and practice. Your scores will reflect the […]
Are You Ready to Take the ACT or SAT?
So, you’ve been preparing to take the SAT and/or the ACT. You’ve answered the SAT Question of the day for months. There’s nothing left in The Official SAT Study Guide that you didn’t memorize. But, are you ready to take the test? How do you know? Practice Tests The ACT and SAT are standardized tests, so […]
Too Busy for ACT and SAT Prep? Think Again.
If you are like many high school students, your hectic schedule leaves little time for ACT or SAT preparation. Between sports, extracurriculars, and course work, how will you succeed on the crucial next step in your academic career? These tests determine where the next several years of your life will go. Of course, dedicated practice and […]
How to Relieve the Pressure Surrounding the SAT and ACT
The pressure surrounding your performance on the SAT and ACT can feel colossal. It may seem like everything—admissions, scholarships, pride—is riding on a few hours spent huddled over a scantron form. For some students, pressure is motivation. They can harness the energy of the situation to focus and produce their best possible performance. For others, the […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Holiday Dilemmas
A bonus holiday present! A special SAT Math and ACT Math post from our senior curriculum developer (and VP!), Jon Denning. He’ll help you get into the test prep spirit with a little winter break math. We hope you have a wonderful holiday. Gift Wrapping WringerYour dad loves sushi, so you bought him some 10-inch personalized […]