Episode 41 of the PowerScore Podcast sees Jon and Dave turn their attention to LSAT Reading Comprehension, specifically outlining a variety of self-assessment tools to help you pinpoint exactly where and why this section is giving you trouble. By employing these skill tests you’ll determine not only what needs improvement in your Reading Comp approach, but also the adjustments required to take your performance to the next level. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 40: January 2020 LSAT Recap
The first of 2020’s ten LSATs has now been administered, and Jon and Dave are here with their take! Listen as they deconstruct the January test from an overview of student feedback and general difficulty to a section-by-section breakdown to their scale prediction and what that means for your results. They also discuss what this latest LSAT and its content mean for the upcoming February, March, and April exams. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 39: Crystal Ball – Predicting the Spring 2020 LSATs
It’s a new year! And it begins with an unprecedented LSAT-bang: four straight months with a test. To help get you ready, Dave and Jon break out their crystal balls and predict what’s most likely to occur on upcoming exams and how you can best prepare. You’ll also hear about recent trends and content stats so you can prioritize where to spend your time leading up to test day! … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 38: How to Review and Analyze Your Practice LSAT Results
Description: Jon and Dave wrap up their discussion from Episode 34 about How to Take A Practice LSAT by examining precisely how to best interpret your test results. As part of that conversation, they outline what it means to perform a blind review (and the various ways to do so), as well as what PowerScore’s free-scoring analytics tell you about your performance and how they should guide your next steps. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 37: The November 2019 LSAT Logic Games Section
With a last look at the November 2019 LSAT, Dave and Jon review the latest Logic Games section, analyzing the four games and their questions. Listen in as they provide advice on how to best approach each game and its setup, and give thoughts on the section as a whole and how it affected the test’s scoring scale. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 36: The November 2019 LSAT Makeup Tests
Jon and Dave explore the continuing saga that is the November 2019 LSAT. Specifically they outline how the multiple make up exams have played out, from the initial reschedules to this past weekend’s retakes. They also offer some words of encouragement for those whose November didn’t go to plan, whether that means a December make up or a test date pushed to next year (spoiler: don’t fret; you’re going to be okay, and Dave and Jon explain precisely … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 35: November 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction
Hot on the heels of the November LSAT, Jon and Dave give their thoughts on the exam, covering everything from test content to (the many) center issues. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 34: How To Take A Practice LSAT
Episode 34 sees Dave and Jon break down one of the most important components of successful LSAT prep: the ideal way to take practice tests! Specifically, you’ll hear them cover everything from the various digital testing platforms to the proper use of experimental sections to recommended locations for testing. They also spend time discussing pre-test routines and mentality, and managing your schedule to accommodate testing and review while … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 33: Student Question Mailbag
Jon and Dave are back with another student mailbag episode, which means you’ll hear them tackle a whole host of commonly asked questions, from test diagramming advice to score fluctuations (and how to handle them). You’ll also get their take on everything from accommodated testing to how to best use the full spectrum of PowerScore’s publications. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 32: October 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction
Another test is in the books, and Dave and Jon are here to talk you through it! Tune in as Episode 32 breaks down the October 2019 LSAT, including the highs and lows of test day, a section by section look at the exam’s content, and an official curve prediction. They also offer thoughts on what this test means for the upcoming November LSAT, and how to best prepare for the exams ahead! … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 31: The September 2019 LSAT Logic Games Section
The September 2019 LSAT Logic Games section was a killer for many test-takers, but Jon and Dave are here to help! Tune in as they deconstruct the latest set of games and explain exactly how to tackle this test’s toughest content. … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 30: Are Logic Games Disappearing from the LSAT?
Episode 30 brings breaking news about the future of the LSAT’s most notorious feature, Logic Games! Specifically, Dave and Jon decrypt a just-published press release co-signed by LSAC that raises speculation (to put it mildly) that within the next four years the test will no longer contain a Logic Games section. They cover possible interpretations of the article’s wording, potential confirmation of the change from an inside source, and content … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 29: Flaw in the Reasoning Questions Part IV – What to Do When No Obvious Form of Reasoning is Present?
In this fourth and final edition of their Flaw in the Reasoning coverage, Dave and Jon explore one of the LSAT’s most nerve-wracking scenarios: correctly approaching Flaw questions where the error isn’t common or clear. So how do you solve for flaws you can’t identify? Tune in to find out! … [Read more...]
LSAT Podcast Episode 28: September 2019 LSAT Review and Scale Prediction
Episode 28 features a detailed review of the September 2019 LSAT, the first all-digital test ever administered! Jon and Dave discuss the ups and downs of the digital rollout, then cover the test section by section examining the scored content, overall student impressions, and their official curve prediction. They also offer thoughts on what this test means for the rest of 2019 and beyond, so whether you’re curious about the September test you … [Read more...]