It’s never too early to start studying for the SAT and ACT! Sophomores (and even freshman) who are looking to get a jump on test prep can certainly get started as underclassmen. It’s wise to leave The Official SAT Study Guide and The Official ACT Prep Guide on the shelf until your junior year, but there […]
8 Last Minute Study Tips for the SAT
If your SAT is swiftly approaching, you’re likely feeling the time crunch. If you’re in this boat, here are some of our top last-minute study tips. #1 – Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute Unfortunately, if you’re reading this, you’re probably already a little late. We’ll do our best to help you prepare for your […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Holiday Dilemmas
A bonus holiday present! A special SAT Math and ACT Math post from our senior curriculum developer (and VP!), Jon Denning. He’ll help you get into the test prep spirit with a little winter break math. We hope you have a wonderful holiday. Gift Wrapping WringerYour dad loves sushi, so you bought him some 10-inch personalized […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Thanksgiving Day Drills
Just because the holidays are rolling around does not mean you can skip your ACT and SAT prep! You can use your time off this week to focus on the test while you’re not worrying about other school work. Here are a few Turkey Day math questions to kick start your day of family, football, […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Translating Percent Questions
You know the old math class argument we all attempted to use to get out of learning the quadratic equation, sine and cosine, and symbolic functions: “When am I ever going to use this in the real world?” I’ve been existing in that real world for a good chunk of time now, and aside from […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Reflections on Reflections
Reflections. These Coordinate Geometry questions are a great way for the ACT and SAT to assess not just your knowledge of transformations, but your understanding of slope and the equation of a line. Let’s look at what you need to know and then see how your skill set will be tested on the ACT and […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Average Questions in Disguise
Test makers like to be tricky, because sneaky questions separate the students who comprehend a concept and those who have just memorized a formula they do not understand. We see examples of these tricky questions on the ACT and SAT in hidden triangles, “fake” quadratic equations, systems of equations, and many more concepts, including today’s […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Classic Quadratic Forms
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the writers of standardized tests assess the same concepts, over and over and over again. Test experts are able to become test experts for that very reason—there is a finite amount of material one needs to learn in order to master the ACT and the SAT. […]
ACT and SAT Math Tips: Similar Triangles, the Mini-me of the Math World
Similar triangles occur frequently on both the ACT and the SAT. If you think of them as the Mini-Me of the standardized testing math world, you’ll never fail to recognize them when they appear on your test. Let’s review their properties and then look how they may try to sneak onto the ACT and the […]
ACT and SAT Tips: Ten Minute Test Prep
If you’re like most high school students, there isn’t a lot of downtime in your day, let alone time to study for something other than your normal homework. Yet the ACT and SAT loom in your future, and you keep hearing about how you need to start studying for them months—maybe even years—in advance. How […]