There are a lot of items you will need to procure or create when putting together your college applications: transcripts, teacher recommendations, and essays, to name a few. You may also have to put together and submit a résumé. Given that most high schoolers have never had to put together a résumé for anything other than applying for a part-time after-school job, this can seem like a pretty daunting task. But don’t worry–PowerScore is here to help!
Keep in mind these four pointers as you put together a college application résumé:
#1 – Use a professional email address
Sure, you and your friends might think that handles like pooh_bear_08 or footballdemon3876 are cool but, when it comes to admissions officers, those email addresses scream “young” or “immature.” When it comes to an email address that will not immediately draw eye rolls or snickers from those you are seeking to impress, go with the basics: a simple firstname.lastname email address is more than enough. I would also avoid nicknames. If your name is already taken, consider adding a number after your last name, or adding your middle name after your first name. Keep it clean, simple, and professional.
#2 – Avoid funky fonts
Although there might be a time when it makes sense to use Comic Sans or other curlicued font, a college application résumé is not it. When it comes to this document, stick to the tried-and-true: Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Arial are just fine, will not assault the eyes, and are easy to read. Avoid including any graphics or anything fancier than a simple bullet point. Remember, you’re creating a professional document that should be easy to read quickly.
#3 – Focus on academics and extracurriculars
Schools want to know about your academic and extracurricular accomplishments, and that is what you should focus on. Talk about any awards you’ve won, any honor societies or athletic teams you’re a part of, and any extracurriculars where you hold leadership positions. If anything is not clear (for example, if the name of an award doesn’t immediately make it apparent what it’s for), then provide a brief one-line explanation. Don’t make schools guess at what you mean, and make it easy for them to have a solid understanding of your background.
#4 – Remember that it’s not an employment résumé
You don’t need to include an “objective” section (“Objective: To gain admission into the college of my choice.”) or a skills set list (“Skills: Dreamweaver, HTML, 65wpm.”). Focus instead on what schools want to know about (academics, extracurriculars, leadership positions, and most recent employment), and you’re all set.
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